Welcome to my website,

This page shows the latest updates.

If interested in a course, please browse the topics page.

For custom collective (up to 10 people) or private lectures please have look at the booking page. Those who prefer online courses can now purchase my lecture on my (new) Vimeo Channel. The list will be progressively completed as soon as the learning material is ready.

Check my blog for a random selection of funny, intriguing, informative or counterintuitive contents.

You can contact me by email contact@sarahakka.com.


Saturday 10:00am (London time), next date TBD

Relativity - a History of Gravitation from Galileo to Einstein - beginners/intermediate

Tickets will be available on Eventbrite


Next date TBC, 10:00am (London time)

Introduction to Theoretical and Computational Neurosciences - beginners/intermediate

Tickets will be available on Eventbrite

Saturday Next date TBC, 10:00am (London time)

Introduction to the Neurosciences of Consciousness - beginners/intermediate

Tickets on Eventbrite

Next date TBC

Improving Brain health and cognitive performance

Tickets on Eventbrite

Online course

The Introduction to Integrative Neurosciences can now be purchased online.  

NB: this lecture is delivered in English

Saturday 01 October, 2:00pm (Paris time), in French

Artificial Intelligence: Origins, Concepts & Applications

Live on YouTube

TBC, morning (in French)

The Social Sense - Part 2
The Social Brain: Social Perception & Cognition

Free live on YouTube

SMALL cover Niejdana FR White.jpg
SMALL cover Niejdana ES imaje Black.jpg

La Niejdana

"A short sci-fi tale"

Another story of Humanity. The plot takes place at a pivotal time in evolution, a time when the machine began to lose control of its creation. Strange, new and at least unexpected phenomena then emerge, thus cracking a social, political and economic system founded by machines, for machines. For better and for worse.

French and Spanish versions available in eBook formats on Amazon, Smashwords, Kobo, Apple Book and other platforms